Tag Archives: Financial Management

Budget template

All international development programs should have a budget. Donors almost always require a detailed budget to be submitted before they fund a project. Budgets are also necessary to ensure that expenses can be anticipated ahead of time. For large programs there may be an overall budget as well as multiple …

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Donations: Where does the money come from?

One of the first things I do when starting a new project is to ask the team a very important question: “Where does the money for this project come from?” I usually get a range of surprised looks. Surely I must know that the money comes from “donor X”. “Yes, …

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7 things you can do to help stop per diem abuse

A per diem (Latin for “per day”) is a payment made to cover travel related expenses, such as accommodation, transport and meals, for employees and program participants. Because collecting receipts can be time consuming (or sometimes impossible in the case of tuk tuk drivers or market food stalls), per diems are …

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